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Weight Loss – It’s your life, make it light!

Losing weight and gaining a healthy looking shape is in the priority list of many a person. However, how much it materializes is a different ball game altogether. The major reason behind this is that most of the practitioners of the weight loss regime are unaware or are wrongly aware of the mechanisms to lose weight. Weight loss is not all about hitting the gym hard, and shedding off calories in the form of sweat, and feeling happy about it. Neither is weight loss linearly related to the food quantity that a person consumes. There is a misconception among people that weight loss is linearly related to the food consumption – You need to starve in order to lose weight! This is a misnomer because most of the customers as well as the experienced dieticians and weight loss experts are of the view that loss of weight owing to the aforementioned techniques are temporal in nature – i.e. after a certain period of time, the person gains weight again and hence nullifies the effort taken by him to lose weight.

So, now the question arises? What to do then in order to ensure that the weight loss is permanent and at the same time, the basic metabolic rate as well as the energy levels of the body is kept intact? The solution lies in the nature and quality of diet that the person intakes – it is often necessary to distribute the diet in such a way that the quantity of intake is optimum and the frequency is increased. This ensures that there is no emotional eating on behalf of the person (owing to excessive hunger) as well as the energy levels of the persons remains high. Therefore, a few tips and techniques which can be used by users for better results for VA weight loss are mentioned below for reference:-

A) The first and foremost factor of consideration is the diet of the person. Users need to put a serious check on the quantity of carbohydrates and fat consumed by them on a day to day basis. This has to be replaced by optimum levels of protein, along with other nutrients and minerals. And, moreover, the choice of diet should be sustainable – i.e. in terms of affordability. The one-size-fits-all offerings are often short term, and users find it difficult to continue.

B) Secondly, the diet selected by a consumer should be in synch with the workout schedule followed by the user. Carbohydrates are one of the nutrients which easily get transformed to energy and hence play a major role in increased energy levels of users. Therefore, a consumer who is following a diet low on carbs may feel or experience low energy levels while hitting the gym and therefore should adjust the exercise regime accordingly.

C) It is a widely accepted fact that the more physical exercise that a person indulges in, the more hungry does he get which in turn means the more food does he consume. Hence, this negates the good effects of the exercise. Hence, an optimum mix of both is recommended.


Dr. Gershon Steven Gershon, M.D., is the medical director at Gershon Pain Specialists in Virginia Beach, Virginia. As a board-certified physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor with specialties in pain management and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, he provides compassionate care that incorporates traditional, alternative, and holistic therapies for the best patient outcomes.

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