Hormone Replacement Replacement Therapy In Virginia Beach
Gershon Pain Specialists
Bioidentical Hormone Specialists & Pain Management Specialists located in Virginia Beach, VA
At Gershon Preventative Medicine, we believe that optimal health comes from a balance of hormone levels, nutrition and education, and we strive to provide our patients with the best preventative care possible.
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Optimized Hormone Therapy for Men and Women
If you feel the effects of aging, know that you’re not alone. As your body cycles through its natural phases, sometimes it’s necessary to support your health with extra hormones. With bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, you feel better, younger (I’d like to stay away from anything that says the word young, younger, anti aging etc), and more vibrant.
To find out if you are a candidate for hormone therapy, schedule a personalized consultation with one of our expert hormone providers at Gershon Preventative Medicine, an extension of Gershon Pain Specialists. Serving patients in throughout Southeastern Virginia. The practice combines holistic treatment regimens with cutting-edge technology to help patients restore their hormone levels and feel their best once again.
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Bioidentical Hormones Q & A
What is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?
Hormones control virtually all of your bodily functions, including your reproductive, immune, and metabolic systems. When hormone levels decline from age, illness, childbirth, genetics, or other causes, you lose energy, vitality, and health.
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) utilizes naturally occurring plant compounds that can mimic the effects of human hormones. With BHRT, the chemical structure of the hormones is identical to those produced by the human body.
Hormone replacement therapy can replenish the hormones that your body already produces and balance key areas that affect your health, mood, and energy levels.
The team at Gershon Preventative Medicine tests for various male and female hormones and are experts in determining which hormones to replace, how much to replenish, and how to adjust these hormones to have a synergistic effect on your body. The practice uses BHRT in the form of oral pills or creams to achieve this, and they may offer injections in rare cases.
Combined with vitamins, diet, exercise, and other lifestyle modifications, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help you feel and function better.
How can bioidentical hormone replacement therapy benefit women?
Historically, women have had difficulty with older versions of hormone replacement therapy. The introduction of BHRT has changed everything, creating an alternative option that provides relief from the unpleasant side effects of low estrogen levels, such as:
- Vaginal dryness
- Hair loss or thinning hair
- Sleep problems
- Urinary issues
- Hot flashes
- Mood swings
- Painful intercourse
- Night sweats
In addition to symptom relief, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can also help you achieve improved muscle function and protect against osteoporosis.

How can bioidentical hormone replacement therapy benefit men?
Most men experience a sharp decline in testosterone as they age. Testosterone, while essential for sexual development and reproductive function, is also critical for maintaining good health, as it’s necessary for the following:
- Bulking up muscles
- Managing red blood cell levels
- Improving bone density
Testosterone therapy is believed to be beneficial in many ways, including:
- Reducing risk for Type 2 diabetes
- Battling fatigue
- Aiding in weight loss
- Improving sexual desire
Many testosterone clinics only check testosterone levels and prescribe minimal amounts of hormone therapy using 1.62% testosterone. But the providers at Gershon Preventative Medicine go a step further by thoroughly testing for all male and female hormones. Their goal is for men to attain testosterone levels in the upper limits of normal, which necessitates treatment with 20% testosterone.
Whichever type of hormone replacement therapy you choose, the team at Gershon Preventative Medicine -- a branch of Gershon Pain Specialists -- can help you make an informed decision and restore hormonal balance to your body. Call the office to book a consultation or click the button to request to book online.
Services We Offer and Conditions We Treat
Back Painmore info
Neck Painmore info
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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapymore info
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